Hunger No More: Faces Behind the Facts

Although I am not personally a religious man and prefer to look at hunger as a practical secular problem, religious people and institutions have worked diligently in the cause to end hunger. A powerful TV documentary presented by the National Council of Churches USA (NCC), “Hunger No More: Faces Behind the Facts,” takes an unflinching […]

Jeffery Sachs on The Colbert Report

In a recent video added to YouTube, Stephen Colbert talks to professor Jeffrey Sachs about his book “The End of Poverty“, or why eradicating poverty might be more effective in fighting terrorism than the military. (The Colbert Report, March 2, 2006) See the video here: With a Ph.D. from Harvard University, Jeffery Sachs is […]

The Inherent Link Between War and Hunger

by Scott Hughes Sure, those who want to end world hunger also happen to often want to end war. Sure, sympathetic activists sympathize with both causes – the fight against hunger and the fight for peace. However, the reason war and hunger are linked is not just that these two movements happen to be motivated […]