In his song Changes, Tupac Shakur said, “Instead of a war on poverty, they got a war on drugs so the police can bother me.” That powerful line has always stuck with me. I believe we, the people of in society, can end poverty whenever we decide to end it. However, we generally rely on […]
Category Archives: Politics and Commentary
Imagine No Poverty
Over year ago, I posted the music video for the song Imagine by John Lennon. I love that song! It has inspired me to ask you to imagine some things today. Imagine a world without overstocked grocery shelves or hungry children. Imagine a world without war or religious violence. Imagine a world without racism or […]
A Minimum Wage Increase Will Not End Poverty
I want so much for our society to eliminate poverty. I believe we can, and I hope we will soon. However, I do not think increasing the minimum wage will significantly help end poverty. I have a few reasons for this. Generally, I see governments and politicians as inherently dishonest. They pander to people with […]
President Bush Mentions Poverty
I watched the State of the Union address earlier tonight. First and foremost, Bush talked about his tax cuts and urged Congress not to let his “tax relief” expire. But, as I pointed out in my last post, his unfair tax cuts mean the working class has to pay more in taxes. Basically, changing the […]
The Rich Attacking The Poor
Gary Younge recently wrote an article about poverty in the United States. At one point in the article, he shows how the Bush administration has pushed more working class people into poverty. I include an excerpt: So it would have seemed last Tuesday when the US census bureau revealed its latest findings on income, poverty […]
Donate Your Mind, Not Your Money
Throwing money at the problem won’t work. In fact, it can make matters worse. Some major charities unwittingly undermine local markets by temporarily flooding them with low-priced goods. For example, by flooding a market with free or under-priced food, the local farmers and food sellers can’t compete and go out of business. Thus it goes […]