My Favorite Posts

Update: Long story short, my favorite post is When I’m Holding My Daughter. Check it out! My daughter just turned 3 last month. I swear she’s just the cutest thing ever. Pretty much every morning she comes in—apparently after patiently waiting for the sun to just barely start rising—and… Read more… I doubt you would […]

Imagine No Poverty

Over year ago, I posted the music video for the song Imagine by John Lennon. I love that song! It has inspired me to ask you to imagine some things today. Imagine a world without overstocked grocery shelves or hungry children. Imagine a world without war or religious violence. Imagine a world without racism or […]

Education Beats Poverty

I just read a great commentary by Oliver “Buzz” Thomas in which he refers to education as a path out of poverty. Basically, Thomas explains that we cannot use old methods to fight poverty in the new world. For example, basic charity and job-training does not work as effectively as it did a thousand years […]

Poverty Line Drawn Too Low

I just read a good article by Dean Calbreath in which he points out the failures in the national poverty line. Basically, he shows that elderly people have a higher cost of living than what the poverty line says. For example, according to calculations from UCLA research, elderly people from San Diego generally need to […]