Jeffrey Sachs Discusses Poverty with Jon Stewart

On The Daily Show last night, John Stewart interviewed economist Jeffrey Sachs. Check it out:

I look forward to reading Jeffery Sachs new book, Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet. Regarding the interview, I like that he empathizes the connection between poverty and wasteful, destructive militarism. Also, I like that he basically says that we can find practical and effective ways to end poverty and the underlying problems if we chose to do it, rather than ignore those problems and focus on throwing more and more resources into militarism. As Henry David Thoreau wrote, “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”

Published by Scott Hughes

I am the author of Achieve Your Dreams. I also published the book Holding Fire: Short Stories of Self-Destruction. I have two kids who I love so much. I just want to be a good role model for them. I hope what I do here makes them proud of me. Please let me know you think about the post by leaving a comment below!