$400 Haircuts While Children Starve

When a man worth $30 million claims to oppose poverty, I find myself trying to balance the comedy with frustration. I want to laugh and scream at the same time.

John Edwards portrays himself as a champion of the poor, but the man spends his money on $400 haircuts. He lives in a 28,000 square-foot mansion. He has every right to overindulge as such, but that makes him selfish and materialistic, not anti-poverty.

A man who truly opposes poverty wouldn’t waste $400 on a haircut. Imagine how many children we could feed with $400!

Edward’s news-hogging organization, the Center for Promise and Opportunity, raised $1.3 million in 2005. While a significant amount of money to most of us, it seems trite considering that John Edwards owns $30 million, and more importantly considering that the main beneficiary of Edward’s “charity” was Edwards himself.

Like all politicians, we cannot trust John Edwards. These politicians merely use causes to gain votes. John Edwards does not care about fighting poverty any more than George Bush cares about keeping the U.S. safe. The former just uses the “war on poverty” to gain votes and to cover his true motives, and the latter uses the “war on terrorism” for the same.

These rich politicians live in powerful luxury. They don’t struggle and suffer like the rest of us. They have no interest in actually changing the system, because they like the current system; they like the status quo. They like it, because they benefit from it, at the expense of the rest of us.

Please tell me what you think about this at the Hunger & Poverty Forums, in the following topic: John Edwards’ Hypocrisy

Published by Scott Hughes

I am the author of Achieve Your Dreams. I also published the book Holding Fire: Short Stories of Self-Destruction. I have two kids who I love so much. I just want to be a good role model for them. I hope what I do here makes them proud of me. Please let me know you think about the post by leaving a comment below!