World Hunger And Meat Production

by Scott Hughes “The 4.8 pounds of grain fed to cattle to produce one pound of beef for human beings represents a colossal waste of resources in a world still teeming with people who suffer from profound hunger and malnutrition.” –Jim Motavalli When studying the factors involved in world hunger, many overlook meat production and […]

Pope Decries Global Hunger

Pope Benedict XVI, on Sunday, lamented increasing global hunger saying “hundreds of millions of people particularly children worldwide are hungry.” The Catholic Pontiff described it as “a scandal, which must be combated by changes in consumption and fairer distribution of resources.” Speaking from his studio window overlooking St. Peter’s Square in Rome, Benedict said that […]

Starvation And Malnutrition Linked to HIV/AIDS

Starvation and malnutrition are “fast becoming the twin perils” in the fight against HIV/AIDS, and the need for food soon might surpass the need for antiretroviral drugs among many HIV-positive people in the developing world, the AP/ABC2 News reports. According to the U.N. World Food Programme, an estimated 3.8 million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide […]

Military Spending Over $1000 Billion, While Children Starve

Global expenditure on “defense” [sic] has crossed the 1,000 billion US dollar mark and is still rising. The peace dividend of the end of the Cold War does not seem to have had the desired effect on global defense spending after showing some promise in the initial post-Cold War years, said an Indian minister here […]

Veterans’ Day: Homeless, Poor, Hungry Veterans

I usually oppose government spending. Nonetheless, the way to lower spending is to stop hiring workers, rather than decrease the benefits and pay of workers. I speak here of our brave veterans. I find it highly disturbing how poorly we and our government treat our veterans. While cutting veterans benefits, congress continually decides to raise […]