Bob Edgar Stresses Poverty

I just read an interesting interview with Bob Edgar, president of Common Cause. For the sake of remaining bipartisan, he does not take positions on presidents. But he does make some good points about issues. Internationally, he wants the next U.S. president to focus on ending secret prisons, torture and pre-emptive war. Domestically, he stressed […]

Earned-Income Tax Credit

A recent Washington Post editorial addressed Michael Bloomberg and the earned-income tax credit. I include an excerpt: Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he is not running for president. Yet that didn’t stop him from coming to Washington last week to promote an expansion of the earned-income tax credit as the next phase in the war on […]

Crime & Poverty Editorial

A recent Black Star Editorial explores the relationship between crime and poverty. I include an excerpt: There is a perfect correlation between crime and poverty. Much has been written about the recent brutal murders of three college students and the wounding of one other in Newark, New Jersey, by a gunman or gunmen. While some […]

No Single-Payer Healthcare

Let’s not waste our time with an any more of a verbose introduction than this sentence. As of 2004, 41.6 million United States people below the age of 65 do not have health insurance. As of 2004, 9.2% of United States children do not have health insurance. As a result of those appalling statistics, many […]