Russell Simmons Endorses Kucinich, Not Obama

When asked about how Barack Obama recently said that rap musicians should reform their lyrics, Russell Simmons said, “What we need to reform is the conditions that create these lyrics. Obama needs to reform the conditions of poverty. I wish he really did raise his money on the Internet, like he said. I wish he […]

Homelessness in the US: Underfunded

Naomi Spencer writes about homelessness in the United States: While statistics do not capture the real social dimension of homelessness in the United States, new data confirm that the homeless face increasing brutality, criminalization and neglect. But like the growing poverty population, the suffering of the homeless population finds no meaningful reflection in the budget […]

Am I Happy Democrats Took Congress?

Am I happy that Democrats took control of congress? Hell no. Democrat politicians are just as bad as Republican politicians. They’re both owned by special interests. They both support bigger government. Just like the Republicans, the Democrats aren’t going to solve any of our problems; They’ll just make them worse. The Democrats do such things […]