Free Hugs Can Change the World

For those of you not already familiar with the Free Hugs Campaign, I recommend you watch the following YouTube video. I bet it will make you smile: I love it! It is entertaining and pleasantly funny to watch this random long-haired guy walk around with a sign offering free hugs. More seriously, I feel even […]

Evangelicals, Poverty and Gay Marriage

To most people, it seems that the mainstream evangelical movement has mostly focused only on opposing abortion and gay marriage. But I happily read an article about a group of evangelicals trying to prioritize a broader range of issues including poverty. They also intend to address other social problems such as healthcare, global warming, and […]

Oppression, Capital, and Poverty

Over the last few months on this blog, I have made a few posts about how what I call “neo-slavery” helps cause poverty and about how I believe giving all people equal rights to natural resources can end poverty. In the philosophy forums today, I made a post about how government-managed currency enables a minority […]

Poverty Alleviation Benefits Us All

The people of the world would benefit in many ways by reducing or eliminating global poverty and by increasing education levels. I believe less poverty and more education would reduce violent crime and other forms of criminal victimization. Poor and uneducated people tend to turn to crime and anti-social behavior more often. The same happens […]