Education Beats Poverty

I just read a great commentary by Oliver “Buzz” Thomas in which he refers to education as a path out of poverty. Basically, Thomas explains that we cannot use old methods to fight poverty in the new world. For example, basic charity and job-training does not work as effectively as it did a thousand years […]

Collins College on Squidoo

Squidoo provides helpful information about various topics with pages created by users. One interesting page on Squidoo is the one for Collins College: Collins College offers education in creative fields such as game design and film production. The good thing about creative fields is that people who have a career in them usually like […]

Short-Term Education

An important part of helping people avoid or escape poverty is short-term education. People may not have enough money to go to school for a long time, and they need the education to make more money. It’s a catch 22. is the website of a private college in Cleveland that offers short-term training programs. […]