Ask anyone in the world if they want an end to poverty…

Guest post by Rivka Levy, author of Causes and Cures of Depression

Ask anyone in the world if they want an end to poverty, suffering, human rights abuses, war, starvation and child abuse, and probably every single one would say ‘yeah, of course!’
But then, if you asked anyone in the world WHAT THEY THEMSELVES could do to bring that about, that’s when you’d probably hear a deafening silence.

I mean, what can I possibly do to stop all these things from happening? I’m not a prime minister, a billionaire, an influential celebrity… So what on earth can I do to prevent these things from happening?

The answer is deceptively simple: I can work on myself. I can see the areas in my own life and my own environment where kindness, charity and peace are ‘lacking’, however you care to define that, and then I can try my darndest to fill those gaps.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: how does it help starving people in Africa if I stop blowing up at my work colleagues, children or spouse? How can I put an end to poverty by curbing my own tendencies to judge other people harshly, want my own way, and to complain whenever I don’t get it?

There’s a few answers to this, but in the spiritual realm, every human being, every soul, is linked to every other.

We’ve all heard the example of how a butterfly beating its wings in one part of the world can cause a hurricane to form in another part of the world. I don’t know if that is literally true (although I’ve read things claiming its a ‘scientifically-proven’ principle, whatever that means.)

But what I can tell you for sure is that spiritually, that’s 100% what’s going on.

Every tiny action you take to put more peace, love, compassion, understanding, kindness and healing into the world doesn’t just affect and impact you and your surroundings: it effects the whole world.

Think of it like a gigantic scale, with ‘good’ on one side, and ‘bad’ on the other. Each of us is responsible for bringing the good to the tipping point, where it will become the prevailing spiritual mode in the world – and the opposite is also true.

Every time we hate, blame, lie, steal and hurt, we’re adding more fuel to the flames of global suffering and evil. It’s a huge responsibility.

So next time you hear a story of human suffering in a foreign clime, or see a newscast of a terrible event, know that there is something you can do to bring evil and suffering to an end, and to start to tip the world over into a space that’s only good: work on yourself.

And the more people who do that, the faster that time of global bounty and bliss will happen.


Books by Rivka Levy

Causes and Cures of Depression ~ View on Bookshelves | View on Amazon

The How, What and Why of Talking to God ~ View on Bookshelves | View on Amazon

The Happy Workshop ~ View on Bookshelves | View on Amazon

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