Aelix Cunningham Says Fight Poverty

I saw the following letter-to-the-editor by a 13-year-old named Aelix Cunningham on What comes to mind when you hear the word “poverty”? Do you ever think that someday you too might be living in a world full of poverty? Open your eyes because this very moment someone is more than likely dying from poverty. […]

FINCA Helps Poor People With Loans recently wrote about a business named FINCA that helps desperately poor people in 21 countries by providing business loans. I include an excerpt: Many people and organizations offer assistance to make life more bearable for the poor. The New York-based Foundation for International Community Assistance has a particularly powerful approach: It assists poor people […]

Anti-Poverty Trekker

Douglas Crow recently reported on a slightly overweight 63-year-old man with a bum knee. The man, named Gregory Cox, plans to walk 2,600 miles to promote his plan to end poverty in the United States. I include an excerpt: [H]e believes each step he takes on his 2,600-mile trek from northern California to Chicago leads […]

G8 Breaks Poverty Pledges, Millions Dying recently reported on G8 breaking its pledges on poverty: Industrialised nations have broken promises to alleviate poverty and provide better health and education, leading to the deaths of millions of people in poorer nations, Oxfam International said on Thursday. Group of Eight (G8) nations had fallen far short of meeting a $50-billion funding pledge […]

Stamp Out Hunger™

Somebody recently informed me about a great program run by Campbell Soup Company and The United States Postal Service, which facilitates the donation of food by American families to American family. 35,000,000 Americans are at risk of hunger. Get involved on May 12th! On May 12th, Campbell Soup Company and The United States Postal […]