No More Homeless Veterans, Please!

Stephen Funk recently blogged about the cost of war regarding not only financial expenses and body counts, but also the loss of humanity. He even quotes the common adage: “In war there are no winners, only losers.” He expresses the trouble many veterans face after the trauma of war, including homelessness. I include an excerpt:

Many veterans are returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with post-traumatic stress disorder and other psychological problems, but are not receiving the help that they need and deserve. As a result of these untreated disorders, returning veterans are in danger of following the same path as some Vietnam-era veterans and are at risk of homelessness, drug abuse, and suicide.

Read entire article by Stephen Funk.

I agree with Stephen Funk!

These young men and women enlist in the United States military to protect the people of the United States. To that end, they give up their own freedom, risk their lives, and risk their health. We could never repay them for that, but we don’t even try! Instead, we sit idly and let corrupt politicians and special interest groups hijack the military and send these brave soldiers to needless wars.

We already betrayed the United States troops by allowing the Bush Administration to send them to the needless war in Iraq, which already resulted in the deaths of over 3,400 American troops so far.

Let’s not betray the troops again. When they come home, let’s make sure that they get sufficient medical care, both physical and psychological. Let’s make sure they have sufficient food, clothes, and shelter.

Published by Scott Hughes

I am the author of Achieve Your Dreams. I also published the book Holding Fire: Short Stories of Self-Destruction. I have two kids who I love so much. I just want to be a good role model for them. I hope what I do here makes them proud of me. Please let me know you think about the post by leaving a comment below!