Book of the Day: How to Make a Difference

Today’s book of the day is How to Make a Difference by Catherine E. Poelman. Here is the overview: “A selfless volunteer herself, author Catherine E. Poelman offers hundreds and hundreds of ideas for would-be volunteers. Her book is filled with ways to serve, along with Internet resources, national and community organizations to contact, and […]

First World Hunger: Food Security and Welfare Politics

Today’s poverty-related book of the day is First World Hunger: Food Security and Welfare Politics by Graham Riches. Here is the overview: “Hunger and undernutrition are widespread in many advanced capitalist societies. Hunger is now publicly acceptable despite undermining common standards of human decency and abrogating the basic right of people to adequate food as […]

Poverty Causes Teen Sex Problems

Today, I just started reading the book Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex by Judith Levine. Not being specifically about poverty, Levine argues in the book that sex is not necessarily harmful to minors, and that trying to keep children ignorant about sex and puritanically abstinent often backfires. So far, I […]

80 Percent of Poor Americans Work

I just read a good article by Wendi C. Thomas in which she says that 80 percent of poor Americans have jobs. The article contains some personal anecdotes about a few poor people. And it aims to help dispel the myth that poor people are lazy and do not want better for themselves. Wendi C. […]