Poor Single Mothers

In Louisville, Kentucky, many single mothers live in poverty. Marcus Green recently wrote about it and the need to spread affordable housing. I include an excerpt: Experts say the importance of blending low-income residents into middle-income neighborhoods is that it offers better work and education opportunities for impoverished parents and children. “In these high-poverty areas, […]

Kindergartners Help Fight World Hunger

Kate Bolduan recently wrote an article about kindergartners helping fight world hunger. I include an excerpt: Students at Raleigh’s Brier Creek Elementary scooped, weighed and bagged thousands of meals. It was part of Operation Share House, an international effort to stop world hunger. Once the meals are assembled and the boxes are packed, the meals […]

Eating on $3 a Day

Randolph T. Holhut recently wrote an article about the shame of the federal food stamp program in the United States: The federal food stamp program has never been known as being particularly generous, but the combination of budget cuts and inflation has made it even less so. For all the talk you hear from economists […]

Yunus Hopes to Help More Countries

Presstv.ir recently reported that Muhammad Yunus wants to use his micro-credit system to help more countries: Bangladeshi Nobel peace laureate Muhammad Yunus has said he is hoping to export his micro-credit system to more African countries. “There is a lot of interest from African leaders to whom I have been talking. The question is how […]

FINCA Helps Poor People With Loans

Kansascity.com recently wrote about a business named FINCA that helps desperately poor people in 21 countries by providing business loans. I include an excerpt: Many people and organizations offer assistance to make life more bearable for the poor. The New York-based Foundation for International Community Assistance has a particularly powerful approach: It assists poor people […]