When People Ask For Money

In the forums, modric has asked, What do you do when homeless people ask for money? Do you give them money? Do you ignore them? Do you think giving them a little money helps? Answer these questions at the following URL: http://millionsofmouths.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=81 It’s completely free, and all viewpoints are welcome.

Have You Ever Been Homeless?

Have you ever been homeless? If so, please tell us about it and consider answering these questions about being homeless for a school project at the following URL: http://millionsofmouths.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=259 To answer the questions, you will need to register and log in at the forums. It’s completely free, and all viewpoints are welcome. Please do it, […]

Low-Cost Housing in Better Neighborhoods

Gentrification plays a major role in poverty. Basically, gentrification refers to removing poor people from their homes usually by purchasing the building and replacing low-cost apartments with high-priced luxury apartments with tough application procedures. This most often happens in cities, where demand exists for both high-priced and low-priced apartments, in that cities tend to have […]

A Future Without Homelessness

An August 8th Boston Globe editorial explored the idea of a future without homelessness. I include an excerpt: WE DON’T have to study homelessness,” state Representative Byron Rushing says of a new state commission that he proposed to address the issue; good research is already available. Instead, the commission has to answer two questions. What […]

Soccer Solving Homelessness

Amy Reinink recently reported about, no kidding, using soccer to solve homelessness. I include an excerpt: The teams are built upon the premise that physical activity can help alcoholics and other substance-abusers stay sober, and that the structure of team practices and the accomplishment of working toward a goal can give a life new shape […]

3 Million Homeless People Every Year

Terry Cline, administrator of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in Washington, had the following to say about homelessness: “Each year some 2 to 3 million individuals experience a night of homelessness, and approximately 800,000 people are homeless in the United States on any given night.” “By raising awareness about effective homelessness prevention […]