Finding Education and Jobs That People Love

Often times on this blog I talk about the need to ensure that people obtain education and employment as a means to fight poverty and ensure financial stability. Of course, to make that effective we need to find a specific field of study and work for each person. I thought of this while reading through […]

Admissions Essays

The following is a paid review: Children born into poverty who escape the poverty trap often do it in part by getting into a good college. Additionally, any person greatly reduces their chances of ever falling into poverty by getting a good education and a diploma from a respected university. For those reasons and more, […]

Work-Education Houses

I completely believe we can end poverty by investing in education. We do not need any more charity, and charity alone will not end poverty. Universally providing high-quality education to all children would end poverty. I believe we can best do this with student loans. Of course, the funding for education must include the students’ […]

International Literacy Day

In recognition of International Literacy Day, I will post today about literacy. Anthony Westbury recently wrote about illiteracy in both the United States and the world. I include an excerpt: “If You Can Read This, Thank a Teacher,” was the message on a popular bumper sticker a few years back. There are an awful lot […]

Illiteracy Still Plagues Society

Today I want to highlight the relevancy of literacy to poverty. Obviously, illiteracy leads to poverty, because illiterate people cannot get good jobs. In fact, 43% of people with the lowest literacy skills live in poverty. Unfortunately, illiteracy still plagues society. For example, more than 20% of adults in the United States read at or […]

Poor School Parents vs. Affluent School Parents recently reported that parents’ educational values differ depending on the financial poverty of the school: When it comes to teachers, what do parents value most — high student test scores or the ability to keep students satisfied? The answer depends in part on what kind of school you go to, according to a new […]