In her explanation of why she cut off her hair, Clare Bowen reflects on her childhood diagnosis of nephroblastoma, but she also says the following:
I was really inspired when I heard a story about a little girl who said she couldn’t be a princess because she didn’t have long hair, and I wanted her, and others like her to know that’s not what makes a princess, or a warrior, or a superhero. It’s not what makes you beautiful either. It’s your insides that count… even if you happen to be missing half of them.
Every scar tells a story, every baldhead, every dark circle, every prosthetic limb, and every reflection in a mirror that you might not recognize anymore. Look deeper than skin, hair, nails, and lips. You are who you are in your bones. That is where you have the potential to shine the brightest from. It is where your true beautiful self lives.
Wow. All the feels. What do you think? Please leave a comment below.
Scars from 1 liver biopsy, 1 leg biopsy, 3 breast biopsies and 2 chest biopsies, as well as surgical scars from removing 1 chunk of the roof of my mouth and a few teeth with it, 1 chunk of leg, 2 breasts , 17 left lymph nodes, 3 right lymphnodes and putting in a port. I lost my hair, all 10 toenails (multiple times), a few fingernails, a piece of my jaw and 5 more teeth with it. It used too make me sad to look in a mirror. Now, I find it empowering. I made it through all that and am still strong enough to be me.
I find many deep philosophical notions in
The clare Bowen story compel me to think that whatever we have we should make the best out of it and should always be grateful to ALLAH ,