Since there are hundreds of charities and non-profit organizations seeking your hard-earned money, choosing the ideal recipient for your donation demands research.
However, a little scrutiny can lead to discovering groups that are supporting causes most important to you, and ones that will use your money most effectively.
By following the below tips you will be able to find the right place for you to donate.
Donate to Familiar Groups
Whether it is a local church group or an international body, the safest way to properly donate your money is to give to organizations that you are most familiar with.
That way you will have a confident grasp of their mission and how exactly they will utilize your donation.
Investigate Each Group’s Legitimacy
There is a wealth of resources available to research the validity and history of any charity. Potential donors can view a tally of all registered organizations through the Internal Revenue Service. Meanwhile, local state charities will be listed with the attorney general’s office.
There are also numerous services online that provide evaluations and even rankings of charities and organizations based on their performance.
Donate to Your Interests
Making a donation choice is easier when giving to a charity or non-profit that advocates causes relevant to your active interests. For example, if you love cars you may be happy to see your dollars going to a car charity institution, or if it’s the environment you love, consider donating to the Sierra Club.
Give Your Time First
Acquiring the most information about a particular group can be done first hand by volunteering. Spending time working with a group will provide direct answers to what they actually do and how well they do it.
Be Certain which Charity You’re Dealing with
The unfortunate reality is that there are many scammers in the world, even in the realm of charitable groups. Dishonest organizations will use nearly identical names of other well-known groups or lie about their missions in an effort to collect donations.
Inquire about Tax-Deductable Donations
Not all gifts are tax-deductible. Generally, only donations given to organizations that are registered charities can be deducted, so ask before handing over that check.
Follow Your Money
The best-run organizations operate with a sense of transparency. Donors and members should have access to annual reports that detail where the group’s funds were allocated and projections of future programs.
Protect Your Money
Like any monetary transaction, personal information such as your credit card number should never be provided via email or over the phone. Avoid donating with cash; instead, try to donate by sending a check directly to the group’s main offices.
Think Small
Large organizations like hospitals and universities have a wealth of funds and resources, which is why they are so good at soliciting for your money. While both give much to their communities, smaller organizations may be struggling just to stay afloat and so are in greater need of your donation.
Donating money to a good cause is easy, but it helps to do a little homework to ensure that your dollars are used to their fullest. So what group do you want most to have your donation?
Jessy is a frugal and family blogger for, the free tool to compare credit cards online. Learn about charity credit cards (as well as other types of credit cards) here.