by Lance Winslow
We have a serious crisis in feeding the world as we approach some 10 billion humans on the planet. That is a lot of people and mouths to feed. Then there are the locust plagues, water issue and agricultural problems they face in the third world, specifically Africa.
Indeed and perhaps there a way to stop locust plagues and help us catch up and solve this problem, as the World Bank and researchers are looking for way to stop the Locust Plagues and re-establish agriculture as a way to feed the African Continent.
It is kind of a tough job once you have everything going and the Locust Plague comes along and eats all your crops. In fact in reading the World Bank white papers of David J. Spielman on private-public agriculture partnerships it appears to me that they would love to lick this problem once and for all. Especially considering the lack of water issues and the loss of lake, river and surface water in Africa.
If there is funding available to solve the African Locust Problem then shouldn’t it be done? Can’t we find a way to prevent millions from starving simply because a locust plague wiped out a season or year’s worth of crops? There has to be a way to figure this out and funds are available for someone who has the answers. Consider this in 2006.