Collins College on Squidoo

Squidoo provides helpful information about various topics with pages created by users. One interesting page on Squidoo is the one for Collins College: Collins College offers education in creative fields such as game design and film production. The good thing about creative fields is that people who have a career in them usually like […]

Bums Need Medical Care

When talking about homeless people, many people do not realize that most homeless people are not bums. Most homeless people have jobs or are actively seeking employment. They are generally families made up of a single mother and her children. However, there are bums. And the problem with them is very different than with other […]

Short-Term Education

An important part of helping people avoid or escape poverty is short-term education. People may not have enough money to go to school for a long time, and they need the education to make more money. It’s a catch 22. is the website of a private college in Cleveland that offers short-term training programs. […]

Defining Poverty

I think those of us who work for poverty alleviation would benefit from trying harder to define poverty. Common misconceptions about poverty hinder the social movement to eradicate poverty. I think we can often trace the misconceptions to a misunderstanding of what the word poverty means in the socioeconomic context. I think finding a accurate […]