Can We End Poverty?

In the forums, Kyrn has asked, how far can we go to end hunger and poverty?

Personally, I think we can fully end hunger and poverty. The world has more than enough food to feed everyone. We have more abandoned houses than homeless people. We spend more money on the perfume industry than it would cost to end world hunger. We spend even more on the military industry to buy needless weapons that could destroy the whole world thousands of times over. It seems like a matter of choice. As a society, we can end hunger and poverty as soon as we choose to end it.

What do you think? Do you think we can end poverty? Post you answers to Kyrn’s question in the following thread:

All viewpoints are welcome.

Published by Scott Hughes

I am the author of Achieve Your Dreams. I also published the book Holding Fire: Short Stories of Self-Destruction. I have two kids who I love so much. I just want to be a good role model for them. I hope what I do here makes them proud of me. Please let me know you think about the post by leaving a comment below!