Russell Simmons Endorses Kucinich, Not Obama

When asked about how Barack Obama recently said that rap musicians should reform their lyrics, Russell Simmons said, “What we need to reform is the conditions that create these lyrics. Obama needs to reform the conditions of poverty. I wish he really did raise his money on the Internet, like he said. I wish he really did raise his money independently.”

I completely agree! Don’t change the lyrics, change the conditions that create them. If politicians don’t like hearing about violence, drugs, gangs, crime, and poverty, then stop allowing poor and black children to grow up surrounded by such things. Rappers don’t create the problem, they report it.

For president, Russell Simmons supports relatively unknown candidate Dennis Kucinich; For the reasons of preserving mother earth, fighting poverty, and more.

Personally, I don’t support any candidate, because candidates have to sellout to get votes and campaign funded. While candidates like Kucinich don’t sellout as much as candidates like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their Republican counterparts, candidates like Kucinich won’t win as a result.

The fact remains that a bipartisan group of ultra-wealthy elites control both political parties, control which candidates have any chance, control who gets funding (since they have the money), control who gets news-time (since they own the news channels), and everything else related to government and major politicians.

For that reason, I only want to get involved with and support decentralized, non-governmental, and grassroots movements – which base themselves on the cooperative power of average citizens working together voluntarily.

As long-time readers of this blog already know, I don’t vote and I don’t pay taxes. However, if you do vote, consider Dennis Kucinich in the Democrat’s primary.

Published by Scott Hughes

I am the author of Achieve Your Dreams. I also published the book Holding Fire: Short Stories of Self-Destruction. I have two kids who I love so much. I just want to be a good role model for them. I hope what I do here makes them proud of me. Please let me know you think about the post by leaving a comment below!